Superb British B Roads
It may be true that driving spiritedly on the open road is not what it used to be. Nevertheless, with the right combination of car and road, there’s still plenty of pleasure to be derived and fun to be had. At The Road to Mastery we’ve dug out some of the very best A and B roads for driver development so you don’t have to. We have favourites in different areas of the country to offer both diversity and added convenience for customers dotted around the UK. Local knowledge helps with ‘on the fly’ changes to the plan to dodge traffic or add challenges.
The Road to Mastery Performance Road events all take place on the public road. Naturally, we do not encourage excessive speed here; rather, we have sought out challenging routes which are far more engaging at lower speeds and higher intensities. These events have been meticulously constructed to offer optimal driver development conditions where the focus is on technique over speed. Many sections include the option to run repeated loops so you can hone your techniques on a familiar stretch.
Naturally, we don’t wish to give away our favourites by publishing areas and routes online. We certainly don’t want our closely-guarded superb British B roads to become over-used. You can find the general location of specific Performance Road events by browsing our Event Calendar. If you have suitable routes near that you that you’d like us to incorporate, by all means get in touch. Although we’d use them on future Performance Road events if they’re up to scratch, we won’t go shouting their location from the rooftops!
– Challenging and diverse A and B road routes
– Local knowledge for ‘on the fly’ changes
– Option to run repeated loops
– Great grub never far away
– Light traffic density
Performance Road Events
Our Performance Road driving events are the place to learn to master the open road. Although contrary to popular belief, top-notch road driving is far more difficult than becoming a racing ace in the modern age. Legends from the era of Fangio, Moss and Clark were the exception – they raced on the open road!
The Road to Mastery offers you unrivalled opportunity to explore the lesser known aspects of road driving. Hone your skills and begin to Master the unique challenge that is Performance Road driving. During each of our road-based events you’ll be under the expert guidance of some of the UK’s leading road driving coaches. In contrast to the usual road training offered by much of the wider industry, our Performance Road events involve close-knit groups of like-minded driving enthusiasts with both group theory and over-the-table discussion to supplement the in-car activity. Thanks to multiple coaches and our wide-ranging perspectives, you’ll be able to dig deeper into topics than anywhere else!
Event Dates and Locations
We run Performance Road events around the country to offer both diversity and added convenience for customers dotted around the UK. You can find dates and locations by browsing our Event Calendar.
If you’d like us to build an event in your area to save travelling and because you’ve got some great roads to share with us and other members of The Road to Mastery, get in touch and we’ll look at building something specific.
Just want a couple of days on the road with us?
Then you’ll love our Performance Road Duo!
– Two individual Performance Road events
– Bronze Plus equivalent
– Option to Upgrade after the first event